Această companie FANTASTICĂ la moment a suplinit toate locurile de muncă. Curând însă își vor extinde echipa și cu siguranță vor avea nevoie de tine. Revino peste un timp.


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Informații de bază

Domeniul de activitate:
IT / Telecom
Numar de angajati:

Despre companie

Wisebits is an international IT company, a true industry trendsetter with 10 independent projects. Over 300 employees from 12 different countries work happily on our project.

Our project is a strong global service for streaming and media entertainment. We strive to create future-oriented high-load products, a monthly service of more than half a billion user visits, the TOP-50 traffic platform in the world, and the TOP-3 websites in our field.

We are confidently growing by X2 per year and successfully mastering it in different formats (as of the last - VR), implementing solutions based on ML algorithms, and developing experimental directions. All this through our professional team which consists only of senior-level specialists.

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii


Număr de contact:
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