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Domeniul de activitate:
IT / Telecom

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About the Tekwill Project implemented by ATIC

Tekwill has been designed as a national public private partnership between the Government of Moldova, USAID, Microsoft, and IBM to answer the needs of the ICT industry to close the gap of the human capital shortage, as well as support the development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem. The initial goal of the project was to contribute to the extension of the Tekwill project as a sustainable network and deploy its programs on regional/national level. The project aims at determining the operation model of the network, determining business plans for the relevant created centers or partners in the regions, deploy scalable activities to connect an estimated of 150,000 people to ICT (school and university students, community, etc.), deploy entrepreneurship programs aiming at both scaling up existing programs, as well as create inclusive innovation platforms for the regions, with their respective specifics and potential to absorb/apply ICT. We envision a minimum 10,000 beneficiaries/year for each direction (education and entrepreneurship) As a result of the project, 2 main outcomes of the project are expected: more and better qualified skills and workforce developed leading to a stronger ICT industry in Moldova, as well as creating the premises for a Startup Moldova program driving opportunities for companies seeking capitalization.

Now, ATIC is also implementing the Digi Talents Moldova Project

The project contributes to the objectives of the EU Agenda on Migration by establishing a well-managed labour mobility programme for young students or graduates and IT Professionals that is mutually beneficial to both participating countries – Moldova and Slovakia, and it will last until February, 2024.

“Digi Talents”, as a mobility and career advancement programme between Slovakia and Moldova, aims to:

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Articolele companiei

Construiește-ți cariera în IT la companii de top din Slovacia. Aplică pentru oportunitățile din cadrul Programului „Digi Talents” 

Construiește-ți cariera în IT la companii de top din Slovacia. Aplică pentru oportunitățile din cadrul Programului „Digi Talents” 

Sfera IT rămâne a fi unul dintre domeniile de activitate din lume cu cele mai multe avantaje pentru angajați. Lucrezi pentru un salariu foarte motivant, călătorești, ai oportunități de învățare fără hotare, câștigi burse și stagii plătite la companii de top și construiești relații umane care te pot ajuta să-ți…
Citiți în întregime
3422 15-03-2023


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