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Informații de bază

Domeniul de activitate:
IT / Telecom
Numar de angajati:
Adresa principală a companiei:
str. Veronica Micle 11

Despre companie

smartdata was founded in 2013 by two young enthusiasts. Since then Alex and Andrei have been designing smart software for clients across Asia, Europe and the United States while also building one of the best teams around along the way.


The two of them make a great team. Alex as the CTO supervises the technical side of every project, while Andy, the CEO and a digital marketing expert, puts everything together.


smartdata is based in Moldova, which as of 2020 makes the top 50 list of countries based on internet speed. Moldova’s IT sector is one of the government’s top priorities, which provides many opportunities to bright young generations making them competitive on the global market. smartdata is a proud member of Moldova’s IT park as well as one of the top 50 IT companies in Moldova. 


We’re one of the few 100% moldovan owned agencies that offer outstanding digital services for local and international clients.

Recenziile companiei

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0 star star star star star 0 recenzii


Adresa principală a companiei
Chișinău, str. Veronica Micle 11
Număr de contact:
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