PMM GROUP - Professional Manpower Management

6 posturi vacante deschise

Informații de bază

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Despre companie

PMM Group is a strategic partner for businesses seeking efficient workforce solutions across Europe and the Middle East.


With a strong foothold in the Oil and Gas, Construction, and Infrastructure sectors, we specialize in the provision of outsourced personnel.

Our services encompass the selection and management of personnel, administration of fixed-term employment, planning, and implementation of training projects, outsourcing support, HR consultancy, and logistics.

Leveraging our vast experience in workforce solutions, we have developed a business model that seamlessly integrates the entire staff leasing value chain, from recruitment to logistics.

Our commitment to delivering optimal solutions for Human Resources Management challenges has positioned us as a trusted partner in manpower support and personnel outsourcing.

Locuri de muncă active - PMM GROUP - Professional Manpower Management

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