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Impro Group

0 posturi vacante deschise

Informații de bază

Domeniul de activitate:
Comerț / Retail
Numar de angajati:
Adresa principală a companiei:
str. Serghei Lazo 38

Despre companie

Impro Group, established in 1979, is today a global enterprise focused in the area of office imaging consumables. We buy, sell, distribute and trade supplies and parts for copiers and printers. As of mid-2013, we employ approximately 130 people.

Our two main distribution facilities in Wommelgem, Belgium and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA are supplemented with a network of global trading partners who enable us to operate effectively on a worldwide scale.

We are proud to announce that our Impro Moldova Crew moved to a new & modern location: Avenue Business Center, on Lazo 38 Street.

Join our Team, and let's grow roots together!

Recenziile companiei

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Adresa principală a companiei
Chișinău, Centru, str. Serghei Lazo 38
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