Caritas Moldova

2 posturi vacante deschise

Informații de bază

Domeniul de activitate:
Adresa principală a companiei:
str. Gh. Asachi, 30/1

Despre companie

The Charity Foundation "Caritas Moldova" is one of the 49 members of the Caritas Europa Federation ( and a member of Caritas Internationalis ( This global confederation reunites 162 catholic organizations of development, assistance in extreme cases and social service, provided regardless of race, religion, age, sex, occupation or political affiliation.

For 29 years now, Caritas Moldova has been a leading actor in the health and social assistance for people in need in the Republic of Moldova. Our actions and projects have a national scale and target the most affected areas, focusing on medical and social care for vulnerable people.

Locuri de muncă active - Caritas Moldova

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii


Număr de contact:
Pagina web:
Rețele sociale:
Adresa principală a companiei:
Chișinău, Telecentru, str. Gh. Asachi, 30/1
Adresă adițională:
Chișinău, Buiucani, str. Musatinilor 1